Thursday, October 10, 2024
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coupled problems


Jacques M. Huyghe, "Finite Swelling and Fracture of Biological Tissues, Hydrogels and Shale: A Micro and Macro Analysis"

Speaker: Jacques M. HuygheTitle: Finite Swelling and Fracture of Biological Tissues, Hydrogels and Shale: A Micro and Macro Analysis Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Netherland


Kazuo Kashiyama, "Modeling and Simulation of Tsunami Using Virtual Reality Technology"

Speaker: Kazuo KashiyamaTitle: Modeling and Simulation of Tsunami Using Virtual Reality Technology Chuo University, Japan


Christian Hellmich, "Coupling X-ray Physics and Engineering Mechanics, for Enhanced Analysis of Computer Tomographic Images"

Speaker: Christian Hellmich Title: Coupling X-ray Physics and Engineering Mechanics, for Enhanced Analysis of Computer Tomographic ImagesVienna University of Technology, Austria


Dariusz Gawin, "Modelling Coupled Chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical Phenomena in Porous Building Materials"

Speaker: Dariusz GawinTitle: Modelling Coupled Chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical Phenomena in Porous Building MaterialsLodz University of Technology, Poland 


Elisabeth Massoni, "Unified Finite Element Formulation to Improve Understanding of Materials Science"

Speaker:Elisabeth Massoni Title: Unified Finite Element Formulation to Improve Understanding of Materials ScienceCEMEF, MINES ParisTech, France


Ole Sigmund, "Topology Optimization for Coupled Thermos-Fluidic Problems"

Speaker: Ole Sigmund Title: Topology Optimization for Coupled Thermos-Fluidic ProblemsTechnical University of Denmark, Denmark

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