Wednesday, May 8, 2024
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Detail of a FSI simulation using fixed mesh PFEM-2

Particles and Finite Element Mesh shown for the Turek FSI benchmark solved using the PFEM2. Interface Elements make use of enrichment shape functions to improve the solution. Monolithic Solver.


High speed jet simulated with PFEM2

Simulation of a high speed jet entering a cavity filled with a lighter fluid. Fractional step implementation of the solver (Velocity and pressure are solved staggered).


Koshizuka dam break experiment in 2D solved using fixed mesh PFEM2

The classical benchmark for two-fluid problem is solved using PFEM2 with enrichment functions in the pressure field. A fractional step strategy is used to reduce computational time.


Koshizuka dam break experiment in 3D solved using fixed mesh PFEM2

The classical benchmark for two-fluid problem is solved using PFEM2 with enrichment functions in the pressure field. A total of 1 million elements and approximately 20 million are used. A fractional step strategy is used to reduce computational time.


Rayleigh instability simulated with PFEM2 2D

Simulation of the Rayleigh instability. Fractional step implementation of the solver (Velocity and pressure are solved staggered).


Rayleigh instability simulated with PFEM2 3D

Simulation of the Rayleigh instability. Fractional step implementation of the solver (Velocity and pressure are solved staggered).

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