Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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Tadeusz Burcynski, "Intelligent computing in multiscale materials design"
This work is devoted to development of an original intelligent computing approach to rational design of materials structures taking into account their actual multiscale state. The intelligent computing approach is a hybrid system which consists of a ‘hard’ deterministic FEM solver which is controlled by some soft computing techniques based on bio-inspired methodology as evolutionary, immune or swarm paradigms. The most important advantages of bio-inspired methodologies are their robustness, great probability of finding the global optimum and easy adaptation to new problems. The main disadvantage is long computation time due to the need of solving hundreds or thousands direct problems during optimization. To speed-up computations parallel and multi- subpopulation approaches are proposed. Such a hybrid intelligent computing system has some interesting features which enable to reach the global minimum for prescribed objective functional for considered materials bodies.

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