Wednesday, January 22, 2025
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The sixth edition of the International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015) will take place on 18 - 20 May 2015 on the island of San Servolo, in Venice, Italy.

The objectives of COUPLED PROBLEMS 2015 are to present and discuss state of the art, mathematical models, numerical methods and computational techniques for solving coupling problems of multidisciplinary character in science and engineering. The conference goal is to make step forward in the formulation and solution of real life problems with a multidisciplinary vision, accounting for all the complex couplings involved in the physical description of the problem.

The conference is one of the Thematic Conferences of the European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS) and a Special Interest Conference of the International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM). It is also supported by other scientific organizations in Europe and worldwide.

Visit their website: Coupled Problems 2015
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Jacques M. Huyghe, "Finite Swelling and Fracture of Biological Tissues, Hydrogels and Shale: A Micro and Macro Analysis"

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Kazuo Kashiyama, "Modeling and Simulation of Tsunami Using Virtual Reality Technology"

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Christian Hellmich, "Coupling X-ray Physics and Engineering Mechanics, for Enhanced Analysis of Computer Tomographic Images"

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Dariusz Gawin, "Modelling Coupled Chemo-hygro-thermo-mechanical Phenomena in Porous Building Materials"

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Elisabeth Massoni, "Unified Finite Element Formulation to Improve Understanding of Materials Science"

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Ole Sigmund, "Topology Optimization for Coupled Thermos-Fluidic Problems"

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Ronaldo Borja, "Computational Challenges in Multiscale Poromechanics"

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Santiago Badia, "On Scalable Multiphysics Solvers"

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